Thursday, August 4, 2011

Should I hire a personal trainer?

Should I hire a personal trainer? 

Unless you're extremely motivated and can push yourself to lose weight on your own, I'd highly recommend hiring a personal trainer, if you can afford it.

Luckily, I have a close friend who is a personal trainer. And because he wanted to help me out, he offered me a great price for his hourly sessions. So far I've been working out with him for a little over a month, and I am already getting results. I'm starting to firm up all around! :)

To get best results

The key to getting into shape is incorporating weights at least twice a week! For example, on Mondays, my trainer and I work on upper body weight training. On Wednesday, we work on the lower body. The rest of the week, I try to get in as much cardio as possible. Another key point in trying to get great results is really PUSHING yourself in whatever type of workout you do! If you moderately walk around the block, it's better than nothing. But, when you begin to push yourself, you'll burn more calories!

Is hiring a trainer really worth it? 

It's completely up to you whether or not you think it's worth it. But, as for me, I've never been the always thin girl that grew up thin and remained thin all of my life! If I don't watch what I eat, I can gain weight rather easily. I also LOOOOOVE to eat! Knowing that I'm not in the best shape of my life, I just don't want any regrets looking back at my wedding photos. Plus, when you feel uncomfortable in your dress, it's going to show! Just think about your first dance and having your arms around your husband's neck! Are you picturing what I'm picturing??? Flabby arms?? haha, well I don't want that nor do I want to think that! And, that's why I think it's totally worth it to hire a trainer if you can afford it.

Another option is getting a gym membership, but again, most people don't push themselves. So, be sure to push yourself and keeping saying "pictures!"

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